Sunday, January 29, 2012


Hi Runners,
January has flown by and May 30th will be here quickly - WOW!!!
As had been planned, I purchased the smallest Class B RV made that I know of - a 1997 Roadtrek 170 Poplar which is simply a large van with all RV amenities - bed, refrigerator, toilet, shower, stove, and microwave. My crew and I don't plan to sleep in this RV that I note we have just started to call the Roadrunner. I expect that my crew and I will just be using the Roadrunner's toilet and microwave when needed. All runners and crew are welcome to also use the toilet and microwave. One runner has expressed an interest in possibly sleeping in the Roadrunner vice staying in hotels. Please send me an email if you are also interested in using the Roadrunner vice using hotels on some/all nights of the run. I note that folks taller than six feet one inch probably do not want to sleep in the Roadrunner since the bed is only so large.
I continue to work on the route book and have posted on the web site a more current version of the work in progress.
The Run has received approval to cross the Columbia River by running over the I-90 Vantage Bridge at the start of stage 9 escorted by two Washington State Patrol vehicles and a Washington Department of Transportation vehicle - definitely good news!!! Crossing the Columbia River has always been my biggest concern with regard to finalizing the RAAoT route.
To view a picture of the Roadrunner go to the main RAAoT web page at and scroll down the page.
Super running to all! Mike